Blog Archives

Hula Lessons Hawaii
Aloha!We’d love to meet you and your group and share a little bit about Hawaii’s culture with you through Hula!We offer~Private one-on-one Hula instruction for those wishing to begin or deepen their Hula practice. (Beginners to Advanced Students). Hula Lessons for small to large groups celebrating Weddings, Bridal Showers.Hula Lessons for Business Conventions or RetreatsHula Lessons for Families wishing to […]

マリア・シュナイダーの フラ フラ レッスン Hula Lesson & Workshop Waikiki
ハワイでフラレッスンMaria SchneiderHula Hula lessons Hula Lesson & WorkshopMaria SchneiderHula Hula lessons in Waikiki – Malia SchneiderContacting private de Flower workshop is – by mail or telephone(Actually there is no excuse, e-mail thank you in English if possible!)(808) 264-1358malia@HulaHulaHawaii.comContacting private de Flower workshop is – by mail or telephone(Actually there is no excuse, e-mail thank you in English if possible!)(808) 264-1358malia@HulaHulaHawaii.comMaria SchneiderProfessional Maria […]